It seems like for the last few weeks, that time has stood still. Chris was trying to find things to do and I was relaxing and in 'the zone', which can be boring at times, especially when you WANT to do things and start moving this project along.
And now, the time has come. We're starting to move. The house has been sold, but the contract won't become unconditional until the 25th. And now, we also, have JUST recently bought our next house. It won't become unconditional until the 28th. And everything will be completed and settled by the 13th of October. After that, we finish a few things in the new house and get it rented out, buy some plane tickets, organize insurances and what not. And then,....we're off and running. Texas. Our first stop.
It's kinda weird buying a house that we won't see for a year, but it will be nice to come home to it. I want to start packing and start moving the furniture out (RIGHT NOW!!) so we're not doing that last minute rush, rush, rush. But I've been told to wait first(patience, Kathy, patience) until a little later down the track.
So we've got the calendar out now and we're crossing the days off. How's THAT for exited? Like little kids, counting the days away and how many sleeps before we go. So much to look forward too. In the meantime, the Scout is getting some last minute touches to it, before we take it up to Townsville to Robert. We also have a 4 day trip coming up, on Fraser Island, while enroute to Townsville. So there's still plenty of things to do.
But it's official now....we're on countdown time.
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