Saturday, October 18, 2008

Savouring our moment of 'free' time before more chasing...

We have moved out of the house and into the new house.  We decided to stay in the new house for a couple of days, not only to save money, but so we can fit the security screen doors and the dishwasher.

The sale of the house is finally over.  The waiting for 8 weeks for the contract to finalize.  This was the hardest contract to go through,.. EVER!  And even down to the wire, we still had delays.  Settlement was at 2 pm on Wednesday.  And at one o'clock, we got the phone,..."Mrs. Earixson?...we're terribly sorry, but there's been a delay on those cheques"..."would you like to pick them up in Southport because we won't get them until tomorrow morning."  So off we trundle to Southport to pick up the cheques.  We got the boxes in storage.  And we have our boxes for the caravan, and the trailer is full of stuff for Rob. 

And we've been into Brisbane to see Liz and James.  They graciously offered their house and home to us for a couple of days.  This allowed me to wash clothes and Chris went to pay for the Landcruiser and the Caravan. (which we pick up on Monday).

And then Friday, we went to pick the keys up for the new house.  The real estate agent had ONE key.  The front door key.  The owner still had the keys!  This is two days  AFTER the settlement.  Okaaay...that's fine,'ll drop the keys in tonight?....okay that will be fine.  We get into the new house, and receive a call about an hour later.  "uh,..Mrs. Earixson?..I'm really sorry about this,...but you know, the owner is an old lady,...and she wants to hold onto the keys until the cheque clears."  "what?,...why?...we HAVE a key?"  and we also found some of the other keys in the kitchen.  We just don't have the remote for the garage at the moment.  I just shook my head.  WHATEVER!  So we'll be getting the rest of them on Monday AFTER her BANKCHEQUE clears.

It's exciting to have a brand new house.  This is our very first brand newy.  An open palette.  I can't wait to decorate.  It will be fun.

Our nerves have settled down now.  We even have Tillie with us.  She was a nervous wreck too, but she's settled down now as well.   She was spooked by the pit bull behind us.  There's a foxy at the laundry door that barks ever time you open the door and then across the street, there's another two dogs who bark at all the kids playing in the street.  And this neighbourhood?...well,...Chris already knows two neighbours.  There's LOTS of dogs (noisy ones) and LOTS of kids (noisy ones).  I think Chris will enjoy this neighbourhood.  There's lots to watch, and lots to comment on.

We had both forgotten, after so many years in the rainforest,...just how noisy suburbia is.  And there's planes flying overhead at odd hours of the day too. 'We're in a FLIGHTPATH?!!!"  and the water is very chlorinated.  Oh yeah, I remember.  Chris has been here one day,...and his comments?.."gee, the fence looks like prison bars"...."boy!  those dogs are noisy""I WISH those dogs would be quiet!" and the noise from the kids.  is  just like walking into a Burger King or McDonalds while there's a kids party on.  But at night, the noise goes away and quiet reigns.  "SEE?!!!  It's all GOOD!!! It's not that bad!"

Well, the security screens are in, the new dishwasher is in, and we're picking up the cruiser and caravan on Monday.  We head off camping next Friday to Fraser Island for 4 days and then on to Townsville to see Rob.

And when our travels end,...we'll look at water tanks for rainwater to drink.  We'll collect the dogs, collect the Scout & trailer from Robs, and settle down to suburban life.  And I'm sure I'll be asked a few more times by Chris...." Now,  WHY did we settle down here?" and " Remember Kath!,...this is ONLY for a few years!"

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