Sunday, June 14, 2009

As we make our way up along the WA border.

IMG_0553 Stitch

This is where we were today.  Overlooking Kalbarri.  Rob, this is where we were, when you and I were talking on the phone earlier.

IMG_0561 View from the Hawk’s nest.  The Murchinson River flows very gently through this valley.  The warm sun felt good on our backs as the cool breeze flowed around us.


Just a little further up the river, we found a spot where we could walk down to the water.  Chris was braver than I, (and better balanced), so he managed his way over the rocks to take this picture.


This Banksia almost looks like ice creams in trees, as we travelled along the roads.




We stopped here for a quick cuppa and a bit of a fish.  The tea and biscuits were great, but no bites on the fishing line.



At the end of the day, we came back in to town and these little guys, Galahs, are EVERYWHERE!  feeding on grass seeds as the sun goes down.



We didn’t stay to watch the sunset tonight, but we did have a peek at the waves washing ashore.


And today, I feel a bit more settled knowing we’re on the last leg of our journey.  We have three more months to go and I can honestly say that I’m ready to head home now.  But there IS more to see and do, so we’ll take it all in as we head back to Hervey Bay.

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