Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Karratha, a busy little mining town.

We made our plans to start at 8:30 this morning to do our sight-seeing.  We headed out to check the road to Millstream/Chichester National Park.  Chris wanted to make sure that it would be suitable for the caravan..and it was.


So our next stop was to have morning tea by the river. 



But there wasn’t anywhere to stop, so we continued on back to Roebourne to visit the gaol/visitor center.



Roebourne gaol is one of those gaols that has a sordid past.  Most of the inmates were aborginals, who were brought out from the scrub to act as slaves for the British colonials.  And when the aboriginals rebelled, many were tortured and executed.  Not exactly a glowing history.





We wandered around the town checking out some of the ruins of the colonial buildings that were left.




When we travelled around the peninsula to Cossack, we discovered another little historical town and so many wildflowers!



The colours caught my eyes.









Cossack, once a thriving pearling town has turned into a ghost town of yesteryear.



We stopped in to a little area where we thought it would be good to fish and Margaret proved us right!  She caught two yellow-fin bream.  We also caught some more little ones, but kissed ‘em and threw them back.  And once again, I caught 5 or 6 “Rock” fish and lost more hooks.

IMG_1627 Stitch

At the day’s end, we drove to the top of “TV” hill and looked out across the bay.  It was a pleasant end to a pleasant day.

Tomorrow, we head out to Dampier and the southern peninsula.  Maybe even do a little more fishing.  I think I’m getting into the swing of this.

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