Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Changing the look while we wait.

IMG_4162 I haven’t written on the blog for a while.  We’ve been working around the house and between the tradesmen coming and going, we’ve been making plans and fixing things.

IMG_4175 Today, we planted our very first tree.  It’s a leopard tree which is similar to a jacaranda, without the blossoms.  We hemmed and hawed over which tree to get and decided on this one.  This particular tree went in the backyard which will give us wonderful shade all year round.


And as we wait for Master Cody to make his appearance in this world, we’ve gone as far as we can on the fence before starting another section.  So yesterday,  we checked out the local landscaping and nurseries around here.  We’re just getting ideas for the moment, but decided it was time to plant at least ONE tree.  So between the Lemon Myrtle, the Tibuana Tipu, and the leopard tree, we decided on the Leopard tree.  And while it may look like a “Charlie Brown” Christmas tree, it will eventually blossom out and practically fill the yard.

This week, we’ve had the concrete painters here.  The design that we had before, didn’t seem to suit the house, so we’ve changed it.



We changed from “Truffle” brown to “Charcoal” black and put a diamond pattern in.


And Chris got to that point where he was on to the next section of the fence.  Not knowing which way to go.  Jenny’s due any day now and we’ve been waiting for that expected phone call where we drop everything and run.IMG_4174 So he’s been tackling the fence section by section.

And after talking to Jenny this afternoon, it looks like Cody isn’t going to arrive until later this week.  So Chris started the next section of the fence and will start on another section tomorrow.

I’m not able to do anything at the moment.  So I’ve been writing the Christmas cards up, posing a Christmas letter, and general ‘doing’ stuff, like making sure the washing is up to date, a bit of crocheting, a bit of reading..etc..I know, it’s a hard life but somebody has to do it. (hehehe)

Well, as you can see, things are RAPIDLY changing..(See Chris, I said “RAPIDLY'' changing.) around here and we all seem to be in some sort of limbo waiting for this grandchild to make his appearance.  Clothes are packed, toys are packed, computer bags are ready, dogs are vaccinated and washed.  We’re good to go.  The rest of this stuff can wait til later.  In the meantime, I’ll keep going over the gardening magazines for ideas and inspiration.  I might even make the Christmas list out and wrap a few presents.  We’ll keep you posted on the arrival.

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