Monday, March 15, 2010

A funny thing happened when I woke up this morning…..

You ever have one of those dreams that when you wake up, you’re reminded about it throughout the day?

Kittens-cats-5979907-2560-1817 Well, I’ve been having thoughts about getting another cat. I feel it’s time now.  I don’t know why, but I do.  So I woke up this morning with kittens on my mind.  And when I opened the curtains I spotted a  sleek black cat across the street, wandering through the neighbour’s garden.  And later on this morning, Chris mentioned something about kittens from what he was reading on the internet.  Yesterday, I watched a movie, Three Coins in a Fountain.  One of the ladies there was given a fluffy white kitten.

I’ve never really had good luck with cats, except for Georgie.  Georgie found us.  She was only six months old and decided to stay.  I didn’t get her spayed in time so she had her kittens a few months later.  She trusted me so much, that she actually had her kittens in the loungeroom at my feet.  The vet said most cats only have 3 or 4 kittens on their first litter.  Not my Georgie, she had 6!!  We did find homes and we kept a couple of girls as well.  Well, at least I THOUGHT they were girls.  When I went to have them desexed, the vet rang in the afternoon and said, “Uh, Mrs. Earixson?” “We have some good news and some bad news for you.” I said, “Okay” She said, “the bad news is that the cats are not female, but male.  The good news is that it’s only $175 for neutering.”  Sadly, we lost one cat to cat fever, and the other went out one day and never came home.  But Georgie stayed with us for 16 yrs.  She DID at one stage go missing for 8 months, but once she made her way back home, she stayed with us until her passing. 

And now the games begin.  “No”  I can’t have one yet because……..blah blah blah blah blah.  Well, I know Chris has been wanting to get another dog too.  So we may end up getting not only a kitten, but a new puppy as well.  And I can tell you now, it’s nothing to do with the “empty nest” syndrome either.  All of the kids have been out of the house for a while now.  I guess with all of the projects out of the way, we need something to occupy us.

Well,  we will be away for a little while.  That will give us some time to really think about this.  But ….aren’t they so CUUUUTE!!!


chris said...

No, No, No, No, NO!!! Oh OK maybe, No wait -----NOOOOO! :D

Anonymous said...

No, No, No, No, NO!!! Oh OK maybe, No wait -----NOOOOO! :D