Sunday, July 13, 2008

Excitement for the day.......

We left Alice Springs a couple of days ago and stayed overnight at a place called Glen Helen. You can see the pictures of it in my link "Photos".

The following day we headed out for King's Canyon. The roads were sandy, dusty, and very much corrigated. We bounced along this road, Chris full of concentration and me holding onto the 'suicide' bar, also known as the "Jesus" bar. I was very nervous on this road as I've had accidents on dirt roads before.

Well, we were about 100 klms in on the road and travelling about 80klms/hr on this rough road. Chris was trying to take my mind off my nervousness. He pointed to some mountains on his side of the car and then all of the sudden, he said, "Hold On, I've got no steering!" Doing my usual, my eyes shut, my grip tightened on the bar, and my head went down. The Scout slid sideways up the road about 20 to 30 mtrs and landed in the sandbank next to the road. Again, you can see the pictures in my link. The Scout made it without rolling for which I am thankful. Everyone else came back and we got the tie rod fixed enough to get us into Kings Canyon for the night. Personally, I didn't know the danger we had been in, but after it was fixed and we had travelled a ways down the road, Chris explained the gravity of the situation. All I can say is thank goodness he was driving. If it had been me, I would have rolled it for sure.

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