Windorah's one of those small towns that have a great country atmosphere. It reminded me so much of Dinuba, although it's A LOT smaller. Wide street(s) that are tree-lined. There was a bit of activity there. The council workers were putting in sidewalks, the Royal flying doctor service was flying in. The tourists were all lined up at the petrol station. Not only did we have six trucks fill up,but there were 3 other vehicles and two motorcycles. It was a very busy place.
The thing most memorable there, was feeding the little white pony part of my apple. (next to the store) and someone telling me that the guy who ran the petrol station was blind. Also, what's interesting, is that Col grew up in that area as well. Everyone stocked up with snacks and goodies, as this was the last stop before Birdsville, nearly 400klms away. No more shops or petrol stations until then.
As you can see, there's just miles and miles of open space and land.
So that when you finally got to see a mountain, or emu's or even cows and horses, you jumped for your camera. I don't know how many eagles I missed because I just wasn't fast enough.
One side step to Birdsville, was Haddon's corner. This is just the turnoff to the corner. Haddon's corner is where 3 states come together. Haddon's corner incorporated Queensland (Qld), Northern Territory (N.T.), and South Australia(S.A.). It was very gusty winds out here. As you can see there's no trees to break it up. We all had lunch there at the corner before heading off to Birdsville. It was amazing to watch fresh bread dry out before your eyes.
We made it into Birdsville at dusk. So the mad scramble began. Once again, trying to figure out which position to set the tent up, which way the door was going to be, which direction the beds were going to sit. How fast can you shower and be ready for dinner, etc. etc. etc. I managed to grab the camera to take a photo of the sun setting. I think it was at this point that I was thinking to myself, that I'm having a hard time keeping up with everyone else, as the majority of our party had already set up, showered, and gone up to the pub for dinner leaving only a couple of stragglers behind. Me, Chris, and another party. But all was well, once I got to settle down to the best steak I've had in a very long time. But once Chris and I were finished with dinner, we headed straight back to the tent for some shut eye. Tomorrow, we head off through the desert.
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