Wednesday, May 6, 2009

We made the last leg of the Nullabour.

We landed in Norseman late this afternoon.  Margaret and I both scrambled to find the best spot for reception so we could get our emails and to do uploads and downloads from the computers.  We nearly ended up standing on the overloaded garbage bins looking very much like the old days with the “rabbit ears” antennae.  (“THERE!,..just stop there, hold it, MOVED!” as one hand is in the air and the other holding the computer.)   But we found that if we stood at the back of the van, we could get reception, weak as it was. 

We made it.  Yesterday, we left with the intention of getting here to Norseman, but we took a “ side” trip to an old telegraph station, which has now been converted to a Bird Observatory.  That SHOULD have only been a short jaunt, but 4 hours later, we were bouncing along the rocky and rutted road with vans in tow.  So,  then we  had to stop in for petrol and air, and we ended up stopping for the night a bit early.

And after 20,000 klms, Chris decided that it must be my turn to drive.  Funny that it just happened to be the LONGEST straight road in Australia. 146.6 klms to be exact.  No bends, no hills, no petrol stations, just go….and go….and go.  And Col says I should drive more often because we got such GOOD mileage!!  So that was my introduction to pulling a caravan.

This morning we’re off to Kalgoorlie, home to a large contingent of gold miners.  Similar to the famous Californian Gold Rush days, the town is famous not only for it’s gold, but  for it’s saloons and bordellos.  And I’ve now been informed that we’ll restock there.

Please enjoy the pictures from the Nullabour which is now on SLIDESHOW on the right hand side.

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