Well, here we are travelling in the fast lane heading home….and we get THE phone call that all parents dread. Something happened to one of our babies. Okay. So they’re not babies anymore, but still.
Robert, while looking at a friend’s car, lifted the bonnet (that’s HOOD to the American folk) and the radiator hose exploded. This has landed him in the hospital with blistering burns to his back. So our plans changed and we’re taking a detour straight to Townsville.
It’s amazing how fast things like this can happen in our lives. Robert seems to be taking the whole episode on the chin, but I know he’ll appreciate the company. He has a very positive outlook and is figuring out what he can do to fill his time in while he waits to go back to work. ‘REST!!’ says Dad.
This will also give Chris the opportunity to get the Scout, (hopefully) fixed. There’s problems with the paint blistering and spots of rust coming through the paint. This will help relieve Rob of the responsibility of the Scout as well. He’s been worrying about that. And while we’re there, Chris can get the car (the cruiser) serviced as there’s now 200,000 klms on the clock.
Me?..well, while I’ll give my son a hug, albeit gingerly, ..I’ll take some time out to do some cleaning in the van and wash some clothes. And just help Rob where I can.
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