Tuesday, September 1, 2009

A pause for reflection

Chris and I are relaxing this morning.  As the movers put the last of the boxes in to the house yesterday, our house began to look smaller and smaller.  (It looked so BIG when there wasn’t a stick of furniture in it.)  And last night, it dawned on me.  This move is really different.  We don’t have any kids on this move.  I don’t have to get drinks and food for everybody in between the unpacking of boxes.  No more excited noises about what they’re going to do in the THEIR bedroom.  No more chattering. I didn’t have to put the kids to bed last night or worry about the school run this morning.   This is the first time in 28 years that we’ve moved WITHOUT any kids. (sigh)  I don’t whether to be excited or sad.


At any rate, we’re both sitting here relaxing with boxes stacked up around us, not having to worry about kids going to school or getting the unpacking done quickly so we can go back to work.  It’s an odd feeling.

And while our minds are spinning around in circles with all of the things we need to get done, I just can’t quite focus on ONE thought.  I’ve made a list out and we’re slowly going through that,… along with adding to the list as we go along.

So today, we’re off to restock the fridge and pantry…oh! and get another set of drawers for our clothes.  For the life of me, I don’t remember having so many clothes before!  Hopefully, I can still fit into them.  I stepped on the scales yesterday and was horrified that I’d gained 7 kgs while away. (that’s 15lbs!!)  And Chris already knows that he’s gained weight.  How much?….don’t know,.. he’s afraid to step on the scales to find out.  So our diet may..I mean WILL.. need changing.

And now if you will excuse me,..I need to start unpacking some more boxes.

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