Well, the time has come. We’re about to be sworn in by the Mayor for our citizenship. We’ve been waiting for several months for all of this to come to fruition.
So what’s it mean becoming an Australian? Mostly, it means we can now vote. It means we have a say in which politicians we want, to run this country.
It also means we can apply for government jobs….to be a part of the ‘red tape’ brigade. (oh goody) No, we’re not going to do that. But we COULD!
In truth, I already consider myself an Australian. I’ve lived here for over 30 years. I know the ‘lengo’, I know those ‘hidden’ rules of conversation and engagement. I know about the flora and fauna. I know the majority of its history. I understand it’s sport,…well,…except for Cricket, but I don’t feel bad about that because nobody else does either.
There’s a subtlety in Australians that’s hidden by their bawdy humour and their larrikinism. They’re quick to take on new mates and open their hearts and homes to those in need. Australians are a light hearted group as a whole and most know what’s going on in the rest of the world and understand how it effects them. But they don’t dwell on the negative either. They seem to be philosophical, but will take on the world for the underdog.
Yes,…I will enjoy being an “Official” Australian, And for my relatives from America, don’t worry, I have dual citizenship, so I will be BOTH. And while my accent is still as strong as ever, I will ALWAYS be known as an American to the Australians. But in my heart, I’ll always be an Australian.