This is the latest member of our family. She’s VERY affectionate and purrs like a well oiled engine. The folks at the Animal refuge center called her “Genna”. (short for generator.) Her name now, is Maddie and she’s four months old.
Maddie has explored the whole house now. And Bella has discovered there’s a CAT inside the house! So she’s been glued to the back sliding doors as she watches this,..this…CAT scampering throughout the house like she OWNS it or something.
Maddie sleeps with us at night and promptly wakes us at 4am. Well, she wakes CHRIS at 4am but I sleep on despite the purring whiskers in my face.
You’ll notice that part of her tail is gone. I thought she may have been a Manx breed, but no, she’s had an accident somewhere along the way as there’s a tell tale kink in her tail as well.
And she’s house trained as evidenced by the sand gravel scattered across the laundry floor in the mornings. After further investigation, I strongly suspect that Maddie may be of male gender too as certain parts of her anatomy look distinctly male. I guess we’ll find that out when the vet looks at her at de-sexing time in the next couple of months. (no, I’m NOT able to tell the sex of a cat. You’d think it would be apparent. Go figure.)
Maddie loves exploring. She’s discovered the bathroom, all the bedrooms, the pantry, the linen cupboard, and she’s discovered that she can jump on the rubbish bin to get to the top of the desk where I have my computer. And she tries to hunt the cursor and anything else moving around the computer. She watches my fingers type away and tries to attempt to bat them and play too. I have found out that she definitely DOES NOT like the vacuum cleaner. But she’ll learn in time that it will go around her, not through her.
Well, having Maddie around certainly has given me a new lease on life too. It’s fun to play with her and talk to her. I love watching her antics as she explores the house.
She’s already caught one big black spider and ATE it. YUK.
I’m hoping she’ll be a good mouser too. We may need that skill later on.
Well, I for one welcome Maddie into our home. She’s going to be a great entertainment and a wonderful little companion.
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