Saturday, July 23, 2011

Dear Diary……


I’d like to say that this is the start of my new diet and lifestyle change, but …it’s not.  I’m about a week in and so far I’ve gained 2 kilos.  That might be because I ate  a half a packet of Tim Tams.  I didn’t even know I had eaten that much and was surprised.  But….I did and I gained.  So that was a discovery for me.  Tim Tams cause weight gain.  I’ve have lost those 2 kilos, so I’m back to where I started.  And the biggest thing I’ve realized is that I need exercise which I have yet to do.

I’ve been trying to psych myself to get up early in the morning so I can do a bike ride.  I’ve always envied people who are energetic so when I see people my age and older riding their bikes I sit and watch with envy.  So!  here I am writing about my journey into getting healthier.  And we all know that exercise is the key. 

Okay, I will pass on what many people do not know….I weigh 99 kilos.  I WAS up to 107, but that was due to my thyroid medicine not being correct.  So it’s now fixed up and my levels are right.  The rest now is up to me.  My goal weight is 78 – 80 kilos.

So wish me luck.  I’ve set my alarm for 6am and my dessert tonight consists of a bowl of fresh cherries and a camomile tea.

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