Monday, June 2, 2008

Memories of loved ones........

We all of have memories of loved ones.  Today my memory was of my mother-in-law, Dorothy.  I was sorting out books in the bookcase.  Most of the books are mine, but there was some that I had inherited from her. 

Dorothy was raised that you don't write in books or turn the pages down to mark your page.  And when she started buying her own books, she felt it was okay to do that, since she OWNED them now.  It was a sense of freedom for her.  But what brings fond memories, is that she would read something in that book, whether it was a saying or a paragraph, just something that  was triggered in her to write it down.  She would find some scrap of paper,  write down what was important to her and then use that as a bookmark.  So when she died not only did I inherit her books, I also inherited her thoughts as know,.. those sayings that were important enough to write down and commit to memory.

Today, I found another bookmark in one of her books and I thought I would share it with you.


  • For resentment is negative
  • Resentment is poisonous
  • Resentment diminishes and devours the self


  • Be the first to forgive
  • to smile and take the first step
  • And you will see happiness bloom
  • On the face of your human brother or sister.


  • Be always the first
  • Do not wait for others to forgive
  • For by forgiving
  • You become the master of fate
  • The fashioner of life
  • The doer of miracles.


  • To forgive is the highest
  • Most beautiful form of love.
  • In return you will receive
  • Untold peace and happiness.


Decide to forgive by Dr. Robert Muller of the United Nations.


I don't know why I needed to share this with you, but I felt that I did.  I love going through her books, just so I can read her bits of writing.  It makes me feel as though I'm closer to her at those times.  She was a wonderfully, wise woman that we all loved very much.  I hope you enjoy this poem as I did.  I will mark a spot on this blog when I find her writings and you can then be a part of her thoughts too.

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