Friday, June 6, 2008

Misery loves I'm sharing with you....

It's that time of year again where colds, flus, and all those icky viruses start attacking. It's usually Autumn and Spring that these viruses start spreading around. And I'm one of those people who never gets one thing wrong with the body, I usually get two or three things wrong at a time.

I had been drained of energy and have had dizzy spells for the past couple of weeks. I thought it was my Thyroid because I had the same effects previously. Well, turns out that there was a bit more to it than that. Aah...'when it rains, it pours" right?

Well, my thyroid WAS running a bit slow, so that's diagnosed and fixed. Then, yesterday I woke up with that funny feeling in the back of the nose. I got my hair done yesterday too, despite this warning that a cold was on its way. So here I am, sitting there in the chair at the hairdressers with my nose running. Tissue after tissue. And you know you're sick when the hairdresser is trying to do your hair, from as far away from you, as possible, so as not to catch the dreaded lurgy. And after two weeks of thyroid problems, I even had my first French class last night....... with a tissue stuck to my nose. "Bonjour, Jean-Marie", I nasally replied through my tissue. I wasn't going to beg off. I wanted to do this class by Golly, and I DID! The class still went well despite the nose running like a tap. And when you're looking for that good night kiss from your loved one, you get the 'NO WAY' and the handshake.

I was up twice through the night, looking for water and just generally trying to cool the body back down.

And then this morning, it really hit. My head felt like it was in a vice and my body couldn't get warm enough and my eyes hurt. I just wanted a cuddle. Chris gave me a cuddle by wrapping his arms around me and burying my face in his chest, so I don't cough and splutter on him, suffocating me in the process. So with Lem-Sip, vitamin C's, water, and a box of tissues, I dragged my droopy body back to bed. Wrapped in my poncho, under the doona, socks on my feet, and the electric blanket on 3. It only took 2 hours to finally warm up. Chris plonked the medicine cabinet next to the bed, built a fire to warm the house, and disappeared into the shed leaving me to wallow in my own drippy misery. I got some sleep and I'm finally warm now and feel half way decent. I guess that means I'm on the mend. Yeah! And now Chris has informed me that he too, has a tickle in the back of his throat. His turn?...maybe,...he's already armed himself with aspirin and Vitamin C.

Hopefully, he doesn't get it....I'm not that mean and vicious that I would wish it upon him. Besides, when HE gets sick, I have to wait hand and foot on's a whole different ball game when he plops himself in the LIVINGROOM for everyone to witness HIS misery.......No, I wouldn't wish this upon him. Now, I had better go make some chicken soup for lunch. I think I'm going to need it.

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