Thursday, November 27, 2008

Undara Lava tubes...history vs. pride.

The Undara caves are certainly something to see.  Created 190 billion years ago.  We have the LONGEST lava tube in the world.  That's what unique about this one.  And the only reason they even found it,  is because of the collapsing of the tube along the way and someone realized what it was from an aerial shot.

Some of these caves are about the size of Carlsbad Caverns, in Texas.  It's history and geology was explained by a very keen guide who's  love for this area showed,  as he carefully explained to his American tourists. (6 of us)


If you look very carefully to the left of the tree, you can see where the lava tube veered off into a different direction.  The fig tree roots have extended themselves about half way into the cavern.  And yes there were bats, but only those small insect eating kind.


There's kangaroos and wallabies galore around here.  Below are 3 grey kangaroos.  Can't  spot the third one?..He's off to the right of the picture.  He kind of blends in.  And we were supposed to be having an evening tour, but a fierce electrical thunderstorm came through, so we stayed in the van waiting for the rains to stop.  It must be video night.


And while we had an interesting time in the "tubes", I do need to let you know that I ''bit the dust'' as they say.  I'm not sure what happened, but I fell flat on my face in the dirt and landed directly on my camera.  Scratched the camera, bruised my sternum, a few scrapes here and there, but mostly my pride and dignity took a beating.  I looked like I crawled through the cave before I was even IN the caves.  And I'm okay, it's a little hard to breathe at times and if I raise my hand up to a certain level, the pain is sharp.  But other than that, I'm okay.

With these rains tonight, it should clear the air a bit in the morning. And while there's no reception, I'll write the blogs. But for right now, I'm off to watch a Steve McQueen movie with my sweety.

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