Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Visiting old haunts and catching up with old friends in Toowoomba.....

We used to live in Toowoomba.  As a matter of fact, Toowoomba is the ONLY place we lived in for over 2 years (12 years).  We DID however,  move 5 times WITHIN the Toowoomba city area.  But this is the only place we stayed in long enough, that I was able to make friends.  Lifetime friends.  And that's what we did.  We stopped in to see those friends. 

We got in late yesterday. (Mon.) We went to Jeanette and Merv's house to take them out to dinner.  We also caught up with Tillie, my 'well loved' poodle.  Tillie has been with Jeanette and Merv for about three weeks and I'm sure she's gained a kilo per week.  Jeanette adored Tillie by giving her lots of cuddles, cookies, and liver treats,.. and Tillie adored Jeanette by melting into her and giving lots of cuddles.  But unfortunately, Jeanette has found out that she's got an allergy to dogs.  Well, I should say she's KNOWN about this allergy for quite a few years (they call it denial), but it's now been CONFIRMED that she's got an allergy.  So here we are,  picking Tillie up and taking her to a new home back down on the Gold Coast much to Jeanette's sadness and distress over losing her new mate.

And today, we caught up with Mary and Tubbie.  We ''did'' lunch at a beautiful restaurant that borders Queen's Park. We caught up on the current stories of what's been happening in our lives and what we're all doing for Christmas this year.  It's so wonderful to see them again.  We talked about what the kids are doing and how they're lives are going while reflecting back to the 'good ole' days.  I really do miss their company.  I miss Toowoomba, my friends,  and what it represented to me.  It's the only place that I felt 'connected'.  But our journey could not end there, it must go on.  So here we go.

We have one more day here just to catch up on some rest and to restock and re-sort.  And then with Miss Tilliebillie in tow, we'll head down to Brisbane to fit out the Cruiser with drawers and a water tank.  Well now, it looks like we WILL be taking the Cruiser on the Canning Stock route in 2010 after all.  (YES!) But in the meantime, as Chris gets doctors appointments organized and visits organized for the Brisbane/Gold Coast run, we'll have a momentary pause to catch our breath, catch a movie and an ice cream afterwards.

1 comment:

chris said...

Hmmm, could have sworn we lived in Springbrook for 6 years, you where there I'm sure of it!
