Thursday, February 26, 2009

Collecting landscaping ideas....

100_9489 You may have noticed that there's a few shots of roses.  I LOVE roses.  However, there are certain members of my family who do not.  Those said members have even been known to chop every single one of my roses down.  I even contemplated putting roses into the next house, but I worry that they won't survive.  And so,... while we cruise around the countryside,  You'll notice a few pictures of roses tucked in,  here and there.


And speaking of flowers...while we've been travelling, we've been getting ideas for the landscaping. 


We found a fence that both Chris and I like.  And it will suit the house. 




I also found some trees that I think would look good too.  I found those at the McDonald's restaurant.  I haven't taken  a picture yet, but I will.  I just didn't want to make too many trips to Maccas, it's hard to resist at the best of times.  We've been trying to avoid fast food as much as possible,.

And then there's hedges vs. no hedges.  I love their polished look,..he doesn't want to do the maintenance.  I also want to have a pergola in the back yard with grapevines growing on it.  He doesn't.   So, yes,...we have a few differences to sort out and we WILL get there in the end, so that both parties will enjoy the outcome.

In the meantime, we're off to Mt. Gambier tomorrow morning.  The van is cleaned up, the clothes are washed, and the larder restocked.  The car is vacuumed, washed, and fuelled up. And we've had a lovely walk around the bay before settling in for the evening.  Now.....what's on TV tonight or do you wanna play Scrabble?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YUP!!! i want to play scrabble!!!XOXOX