Friday, February 6, 2009

We say goodbye to Ballarat and hello Melbourne

We said goodbye to Ballarat this morning and hello Melbourne this afternoon.


This is what greeted us as we drove in to Melbourne.\





100_9060 Sitting on top of the Bridge looking out to sea.







The skyline of Melbourne



Melbourne is going to be our pitstop.  We have many things to repair on the van and changes to do on the Cruiser.

The brake lights hadn't been working since Swan Hill.  The door handle broke off a couple of days ago.  The back window hasn't been able to open since before Christmas,..and then this afternoon, the power wasn't working.  And then add a hot day and Miss Moneypenny (our GPS) and me giving directions which led to us taking the scenic route to our stop on the OTHER side of Melbourne.  Also, I think we missed a couple of Toll payments as well.  So we'll be expecting THOSE in the mail. (oops)

Well, we got the brake lights fixed FINALLY this morning before we left Ballarat. (yeah!) and this afternoon, Chris fixed the door handle and the power.  So all is complete now, except for the back window and Mr. Grumpy pants is happy once more.

So, there's more fixing to do tomorrow as Chris wants to organize a new stereo which takes the IPOD and also a CB radio for the cruiser.  So we'll get all the repairs done first and then we might be able to play tourist.  I suggested a tour, but he's daring enough to want to take the Cruiser into the city.  Okaaay,...but don't say I didn't ask...we could be in for an interesting time here in Melbourne. 

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