Monday, May 5, 2008

The scenes I see from our walks in the morning.....

Chris and I have taken up walking in the mornings.  We decided if we want to walk up Uluru (Ayers Rock), that we better get into condition.  Not only that, but we need to get our boots in condition too.

It was a very pleasant morning as we listened to the Kookaburras "laughing" and watched some Minor Birds chasing a black Crow.

I decided to bring my camera.  And while I've already taken pictures of  the most special spots, I decided today, that I would take pictures of the unspectacular spots too just as a reminder of where we lived.

Here are a few shots.

Springbrook Craft Shop This is a picture of a local Craft Shop.  It's been there for years.  I went in there once with my Mother-in-law to check out some of the locally produced craftwork.  They DO have some really cute things in there.



Top of the Purlingbrook falls This is the main road which goes over the Purlingbrook Creek.  To the left of this picture is a house that actually backs on to the falls.  I've often wondered what's it like living right next to the falls when we get those large rainfalls and the water is flowing over this road.


A house for milk cans This is a picture of one of the last remnants of history.  This is a "little' house for milk and cream storage.  That's when it USED to be delivered and picked up, when there were dairy farms up here.



Liquid Amber



This picture is of a grove of Liquid Amber trees that used to be owned by one of the original families, The Carricks.  It's now owned by the Forestry Dept.  This path goes from the Camp sites to the back entrance of the top of Purlingbrook Falls.

When I walk through here, I envision going through Vermont and New Hampshire in Autumn.

I feel pretty good when we go for our walks in the morning.  Next we need to tackle the hill on Lyre Bird Ridge Rd., also known as 'heart attack' hill.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


This may be off topic but when you come to michigan you need to visit the U.P. as a Google Earth Junkie and person who lives only a few hours (5) from this wonderful place, I would like to make the recommendation that when you come to michigan you try to go up there. Google earth it sometime and see just how beautiful the north shore of the U.P. really is. Perhaps we can even caravn up there as a group?